Dr. Peter Synnott has been a Specialist Orthodontist for over 20 years now and has been a member of this practice for all of that time. He has always felt very fortunate to have found a job he enjoys so much. Born in Sydney, Dr. Synnott completed his last three years of high school in New Zealand and then trained there as a dentist. After returning to Sydney, he had his own private dental practice for a few years before commencing his full-time three-year specialty training in orthodontics at Sydney University. Dr. Synnott has been a Senior Visiting Specialist in Orthodontics at Westmead Hospital, Sydney and a tutor with the University of Sydney. These roles often involved providing specialist treatment for patients with a wide variety of developmental problems. Professionally, Dr. Synnott has also been on the Executive of the Sydney University Orthodontic Alumni and held Executive posts with the NSW Branch of the Australian Society of Orthodontists. His interests involve spending as much time as possible with his wife and children and grandchildren, all of whom, he says, fortunately share a good sense of humour.

Dr. Peter Synnott

B.D.S (Otago), M.D.Sc (Syd)

Dr. Haitham Omar graduated from the   University of Sydney, Bachelor of Dental Surgery with second class honours. He then worked as a private general dentist in the picturesque Glenbrook (Lower Blue Mountains) and Lansvale for a period of six years. Dr. Omar then completed his Masters of Dental Science (Orthodontics) at the University of Sydney graduating in 2005. Shortly afterwards he joined the   practice as a partner. Despite the busy practice and family life (3 children), he    enjoys playing soccer and an occasional game of tennis. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS), member of the Australian     Society of Orthodontists (ASO) and the Australian Dental Association (ADA), and holds a Membership of Orthodontics of the Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh (M Orth RCS Edin).

Dr Haitham Omar is an English and Arabic speaking orthodontist in Sydney. If you wish to have your orthodontic treatment in Arabic simply let our friendly staff know and they will arrange that for you.


تخرج الدكتور هيثم عمر من جامعة سيدني، وحصل على درجة البكالوريوس في جراحة الأسنان مع مرتبة الشرف من الدرجة الثانية. ثم عمل كطبيب أسنان عام  في منطقة جلينبروك الخلابة (جبال بلو ماونتنز السفلى)  لمدة ست سنوات. ثم أكمل الدكتور عمر درجة الماجستير في علوم الأسنان (تقويم الأسنان) في جامعة سيدني وتخرج منها عام 2005. وبعد فترة وجيزة انضم إلى العيادة كشريك. وعلى الرغم من عمله المزدحم والحياة الأسرية (3 أطفال)، إلا أنه يستمتع بلعب كرة القدم ولعب التنس من حين لآخر. وهو زميل في الكلية الملكية الأسترالية الاسياوية  لجراحي الأسنان (FRACDS)، وعضو في الجمعية الاسترالية  لتقويم الأسنان (ASO) والجمعية الأسترالية لطب الأسنان (ADA)، ويحمل عضوية تقويم الأسنان في الكلية الملكية للجراحين في إدنبرة (M Orth RCS Edin). 

الدكتور هيثم عمر هو أخصائي تقويم الأسنان الناطق باللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية في سيدني، إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على العلاج التقويمي باللغة العربية، فما عليك سوى إخبار موظفينا الودودين وسوف يقومون بترتيب ذلك لك.

Dr. Haitham Omar

B.D.S (Syd) M.D.Sc (Syd), F.R.A.C.D.S, M.Orth. R.C.S (Edin)

Dr. Ritu Khanna completed her masters in orthodontics from the University of Mumbai in 1998. After moving to Australia, she joined the Orthodontic Department at Westmead Centre for Oral Health and underwent dental and specialist post graduate examinations with the University of Sydney. She is also by examinations a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (MOrthRCS) and Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (MRACDS), in the Specialist stream of Orthodontics. She works part-time as a Staff Specialist in Orthodontics at Westmead Centre for Oral Health and a consultant orthodontist at the Specialist Dental Centre of Westmead Hospital, where her interest lies in treating patients with complex orthodontic and multi-disciplinary treatment needs. Dr. Khanna is a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO), American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), and a Fellow of The World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO).

Dr Ritu Khanna is an English, Hindu, Punjabi, Urdu and Marathi speaking orthodontist in Sydney. If you wish to have your orthodontic treatment in Hindu, Punjabi, Urdu or Marathi simply let our friendly staff know and they will arrange that for you.

Dr. Ritu Khanna

B.D.S (MB), M.D.S (MB), M.Orth R.C.S (Edin), M.R.A.C.D.S

As a young orthodontic patient, Dr Savran saw himself being in the clinician’s chair one day. Fast forward many, many years of study, he is now a qualified Specialist Orthodontist from the University of Sydney. With numerous qualifications under his belt, he has a keen interest in both paediatric and adult sleep apnea, focusing his philosophy like all orthodontists on the patient as a whole instead of just straight teeth.

Despite being ashamed of his extensive happy sock collection, he strives to bring out the confidence and personalities of his patients as his orthodontist did many years ago. When he is not in the clinic, he is most likely embracing his inner (and former) athletic self, playing any sport, particularly soccer and tennis. Otherwise, he is a self-professed coffee connoisseur and happy to recommend a good café, provided you promise to brush those teeth afterwards!

Dr Ihsan Savran is an English and Turkish speaking orthodontist in Sydney. If you wish to have your orthodontic treatment in Turkish simply let our friendly staff know and they will arrange that for you.

Dr. Ihsan Savran

BMedSc (Hons), BDent (Hons), DClinDent (Ortho) (USYD), MRACDS (Orth)

Over 50 years of creating beautiful smiles.

Your smile is about more than just teeth. It’s about putting your best face forward. With three convenient locations in the city, our Sydney orthodontists have over 50 years of experience building perfect smiles, as well as the confidence that comes with it. Our orthodontic specialist services are available in multiple languages including English, Arabic, Turkish as well as Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi & Urdu. We are here to help you feel comfortable and achieve the best smile possible.

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Good to know:

Our practice is located in the Owen Hodge Building at 12-14 Ormonde Parade. Enter the building and proceed to level 5. When you exit the lift turn right and we are at the end of the corridor.

Public Transport Options in Hurstville

Our practice is located a short 2 minute walk from Hurstville Station.

Parking in Hurstville

The closest parking is available in the Coles carpark above the train station. This is paid parking.

There is free parking available on Railway Parade, Hillcrest Ave, Greenbank Street and in the surrounding streets, however these spots can be hard to come by.

Alternatively, there is free 2 hour parking available in Westfield Hurstville for non Westfiled members or 4 hours free parking for Westfield members (signup is free through their app). Westfield Hurstville is a short 5 minute walk away.

Good to know:

Our practice is located a 109/2 Pembroke Street. Enter the building and proceed to level 1. When you exit the lift turn right and we are at the end of the corridor.

Public Transport Options in Epping

Our practice is a short 2 minute walk from Epping Train Station and Epping Metro Station.

Parking in Epping

We are conveniently located next to the Rawson Street Car park which offers 2 hours of free parking.

There is also plenty of free street parking on Pembroke Street and Cambridge Street as well as the surrounding residential streets which are only a short walk to our practice.

Good to know:

Entrance to our Parramatta Practice is at 35 Smith Street. Enter into the building and proceed to level 5. Our practice is located in Suite 2, directly opposite the elevator.

Public Transport Options in Parramatta

Our practice is a 5 minute walk from Parramatta train station.

Parking in Parramatta

If you are driving there are paid parking stations close to the practice:

Eat Street Car Park - located on Horwood Place and East Street is a short 2 minute walk from the practice and is an affordable parking option.

Westfield Parramatta - offers 2 hours of free parking to non Westfiled members or 4 hours free parking for Westfield members (signup is free through their app.)

Wilson Parking - is available on 80 George Street - entry from Andrew Nash lane (however we prefer the other 2 parking stations due to ease of use).

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